Dear Members of the School Board,
I recently became aware that the Mentoring by Example Foundation College & Career Academies, Inc., is seeking your approval to establish a new charter school in our district. I am writing to express my wholehearted support for this application, as well as for the dedicated efforts of the school design team, advisory board, and board of trustees.
The vision the organization has for this charter school resonates deeply with me. Providing children with enhanced learning opportunities before they reach high school is not just beneficial for their self-esteem and personal development; it also enables students to gain a deeper understanding of various subjects and form meaningful connections with the real world. As a charter school in our district, this academy promises to offer our students more avenues to learn, grow, and eventually become valuable contributors to our community.
Moreover, the school’s focus on nurturing a passion for transforming business ideas into tangible realities holds immense potential. Not only does this prepare our children for future opportunities, but it also lays the groundwork for job creation and economic growth within our community.
I urge you to consider and approve the application for this charter. It represents not just an educational opportunity, but a significant investment in the future of our community and its young minds.

A vital part of the charter school development and implementation process involves garnering community support through letters endorsing the project. Demonstrating widespread community interest in the Mentoring by Example College & Career Academies, from a diverse range of stakeholders, significantly bolsters our application and underscores our commitment to addressing community needs. We warmly invite you to endorse our efforts by adding your name to the form letter, which will be presented to the School Board in favor of approving the M.E.C.C.A. charter school petitions. Your support and encouragement are invaluable to us, and we are truly grateful for the community's backing in this endeavor. Should you have any inquiries or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Thank you for being an integral part of this journey!